Sunday 2 October 2016

We are doing very well on developing this culture of mindless criticism

Is it wrong if poor get the better education or healthcare and enhance their living standards? The next in line of rebuttals would be the sanctity of religion and how it is corrupted for materialistic means. Religion is never an esoteric phenomenon; it always has a communal or social appeal._ Ellamae:Do guys only care about boobs?(24 [...]

Even my guy friends are like that with me but I just don't want him to make a move on me.
(2 October 2016)

Although he has been flirty with me which I'm fine with since I'm used to guys being that way towards me.
(2 October 2016)

He said it was fine that we hangout out in the campus center.
(2 October 2016)

How do I get a girl to have sex with me fast?
(2 October 2016)

My husband won't let me divorce him. Am I doing right by being distant from him?
(2 October 2016)

Anyway, is it true that couples that are too similar to one another can have problems and then divorce?
(2 October 2016)

I married out of logic in which I was using my head rather than heart.
(2 October 2016)

It's no wonder I'm no longer attracted to him like I was used to when I first met him through a family friend.
(2 October 2016)

He's clingy, possessive, and insecure that he won't give me any space.
(2 October 2016)

Let's face it, we're too similar to one another in background and beliefs that it's stagnating, or boring.
(2 October 2016)

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