Monday, 24 October 2016

Update on “Friends with Benefits” posted on 8/11

Well, I guess we spoke a bit too soon. After we met R&T, we thought things went well and they even asked to come visit us in Idaho Falls, which was a great sign to us. However, we must have complete // Eneida:Tmrarely do teens have a place of their own to even have sex in.(13 [...]

The next day I seen her she was wearing her hair in a bun and as she talked to me she touched her hair or brushed her hair to the side and she looked away when she did it.
(24 October 2016)

She would re position herself in the chair a lot like she couldn't get comfortable, the other thing was she started scratching her arms and hands a lot.
(24 October 2016)

One thing was she couldn't be still.
(24 October 2016)

I was talking to a female friend and we were sitting across from each other I noticed a few things.
(24 October 2016)

How can I not be nervous when I talk to admin over the phone about getting more hours at work?
(24 October 2016)

I have written down what I'm going to say but I just have this nervous feeling.
(24 October 2016)

I might not be free to call later on because of class.
(24 October 2016)

Should I call like right now around 7:30 am?
(24 October 2016)

I'm going to call the scheduling lady but I heard she comes in at 7 am and is only there til 12 am.
(24 October 2016)

Ive had enough so I've decided to call today.
(24 October 2016)

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