Wednesday 5 October 2016


Luanda, Angola // An:Sometimes we will look at each other in the hallways and in class.(26 September 2016) An:Plus I think he know I like him because I was blushing so bad when he was doing that, and then he was teasing me by taking my book.(26 September 2016) An:I think he likes me because [...]

Then she got pregnant but he wouldn't let her have a baby so he hit her until she lost it.
(5 October 2016)

The first girl he had he rapes her then he bought her a puppy and killed it right in front of her.
(5 October 2016)

My niece was watching a movie about 3 girls who were abducted for 10 years.
(5 October 2016)

This is my friends account but he's letting me use it.
(5 October 2016)

I can t help but cry every time someone brings up my mom, or generally asks about my parent(s) it s not their Fault sometimes they don t know, but I wanna know will I ever stop crying?
(5 October 2016)

He's really important to me please help or come up with a suggestion.
(5 October 2016)

He's I'm in school and he's always seeming to talk to other girls and I don't think we're that good of friends anymore.
(5 October 2016)

I've liked this boy for about 4 years, and our sisters are best friends.
(5 October 2016)

My grandfather is dying but i really dont care?
(5 October 2016)

Only thing i know about him is his first name , i dont talk to him , i dont feel connected or anything almost like he is a stranger to me , is it terrible of me that i dont care he is dying ?
(5 October 2016)

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