Tuesday 4 October 2016

This post originally appeared on JamesClear.com

And for most of us, the path to those things starts by setting a specific and actionable goal. At least, this is how I approached my life until recently. I would set goals for classes I took, for weights that I wanted to lift in the gym, and for clients I wanted in my business._ … Continue reading "This post originally appeared on JamesClear.com"

I like things to be rough in bed.
(3 October 2016)

Is it ok to step out long enough to have a cigarette while watching an 11 month old?
(3 October 2016)

I know it's not ok to leave them alone but if you can still see them through the window and know what there doing is it ok?
(3 October 2016)

Missed miscarriage but stomach keeps growing?
(3 October 2016)

Could it be possible that a twin survived and the other didn't?
(3 October 2016)

My next appointment Thursday to confirm everything.
(3 October 2016)

So I been to the doctors to check my HCG levels one week it was 7000 a week later it was 3373. I spotted brown blood for a week then it stopped , I still feel pregnant and my stomach getting bigger.
(3 October 2016)

Friends of ours lost their baby. Do we still invite them to our daughter's first birthday? They would have been very close in age?
(3 October 2016)

I feel like inviting them may seem cruel, but not inviting them may also seem cruel.
(3 October 2016)

They always invite us to their older son's birthday parties, but these children were less than 2 weeks apart.
(3 October 2016)

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