Saturday 15 October 2016

This let me perform unit tests without needing to access a database

Here is how you can use the Moq library, to eliminate writing the code for manual mock classes. However, NuGet will do all that for you, with a nice user interface. There are several add-on libraries that make it easier to use Moq in different types of programs._ Paulita:He s always been honest with me, … Continue reading "This let me perform unit tests without needing to access a database"

Don't know why auto correct wrote this: Obviously what I said tinder struck a nerve... Supposed to be this: Obviously what I said to her struck a nerve...
(15 October 2016)

Am I a virgin because yes I have been inside a women but I've never been able to get off?
(15 October 2016)

So I just go inside a few time and then finish a girl off by going down on her.
(15 October 2016)

My penis isn't sensitive enough so there is not enough friction inside the vagina for me to be able to get off.
(15 October 2016)

Everytime I try to have sex I can only get inside a girl a couple of time before my dick goes soft.
(15 October 2016)

Why did this girl go psycho on me for calling her ugly?
(15 October 2016)

Doesn't it sound like she needs to be on meds?
(15 October 2016)

If she was so gorgeous, why would she need to come back at me so maliciously?
(15 October 2016)

She's obviously an attention whore who needs affirmation from a bunch of pervs online liking her pics.
(15 October 2016)

Obviously what I said tinder struck a nerve and she needed to lash out at me.
(15 October 2016)

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