Sunday 2 October 2016

This group should be ready and willing to try something new

Soon, the small actions build on each other. There is value in the maxim about starting small, and it can even apply in enterprise technology. Well, we think the opposite should apply to your earliest SV efforts. Advice: Pick a hairy problem first. Go find the biggest, most stubborn goat of a software problem that exists in your environment.

It just feels like she's making an obvious statement by blatantly leaving out her dad in the facebook post, even though he has offered her lots of support, and then not asking him to walk her down the aisle.
(23 September 2016)

I m dating a girl , but on Instagram she posts selfies of herself still looking for attention?
(23 September 2016)

Am I over reacting of her posts on social media?
(23 September 2016)

She wept a little bit and said I can trust her and I told her she can trust me.
(23 September 2016)

I called her and said if I can trust her and that we re on the same page.
(23 September 2016)

One time it got to a point where I was mad about a post with numerous flirts.
(23 September 2016)

I don t have her followed on instagram because I want to test her first to see how she really is.
(23 September 2016)

It pisses me off when I see this.
(23 September 2016)

However, I always hate looking at her Instagram she always has posts of her selfies and guys commenting at her.
(23 September 2016)

We went on a handful of dates and talk frequently everyday.
(23 September 2016)


He said he would pay me back as soon as he was able to.
(1 October 2016)

I bought him a $50 gift card 6 weeks ago because he said he really wanted to buy something but he didn't have a job at the moment.
(1 October 2016)

I don t know if this boy likes me or not, my friends thinks he does but I have my doubts?
(1 October 2016)

We stay up doing all nighters together often.
(1 October 2016)

Plus, whenever my friends ask him if he likes me he just smiles, laughs, or constantly says no.
(1 October 2016)

Ex: I said I looked bad with makeup, and then he said that I didn t.
(1 October 2016)

Whenever I make fun of myself he just disagrees.
(1 October 2016)

He makes fun of other people as a joke, but he has never made fun of me or anything.
(1 October 2016)

I think we're starting to fall out of love?
(1 October 2016)

Is this normal for new couples, like do you reach a stage right after a new relationship where you feel like everything's falling apart?
(1 October 2016)

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