Monday 10 October 2016

The simplest of all the reasons being Gmail has more to offer than any of its competitors

With the utilization of the Boomerang application, Gmail enables you to put your emails on snooze. It has never been easier to delete all of your emails in a matter of seconds. Gmail enables you to select all of your emails by clicking on a small box which is located right next to the refresh … Continue reading "The simplest of all the reasons being Gmail has more to offer than any of its competitors"

Then beats herself over her height and wishes she was tall like her boy cousins. so I talked to her about it and she came out as gay which made some sense.
(10 October 2016)

She tells me it doesn't feel like it's hers and she'd prefer a boys name.
(10 October 2016)

Then she always whines about her name and how much she hates it.
(10 October 2016)

She never liked boys unless they looked a little feminine like those drag queens.
(10 October 2016)

She just sits on social media all day, he has no friends, or anything.
(10 October 2016)

I love her dearly but she's worthless and thinks of herself as that way.
(10 October 2016)

I have an adult daughter who just turned 20 years old SHe's always been a depressing, negative, miserable person since she was small.
(10 October 2016)

I have a fetish for potatoes?
(10 October 2016)

Controlling girlfriend?
(10 October 2016)

Everyone is telling me I have a controlling girlfriend, and I've only just started to notice it.. I really love this girl, and I don't want to end it with her but I'm not sure what to do.
(10 October 2016)

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