Thursday 6 October 2016

The problem usually starts when a driver misses a court date on a traffic ticket in California

Code 40509.5 ) are handled in court. If you have this problem, you know what were are talking about here. New Rule of Court Addresses Unfairness of Defendants to Post Bail on Traffic Infractions Before Getting a Trial Date. Defendants who could not pay a fine or bail were required to pay a fine or [...]

How can I get him to stop doing this so much?
(5 October 2016)

I feel really bad about feeling this way but he won't leave me alone and I'm not interested at all.
(5 October 2016)

When I got home he texted me again saying we don't have to text we could call each other and I just grew more annoyed because he just doesn't get it.
(5 October 2016)

I tried to avoid conversation with him and everything and he felt upset about it and he mentioned how 'dry' our conversations were through text and I lied saying I'm not much of a texter but he knew I was lying anyway.
(5 October 2016)

I was about to leave then I found him again and I said I was going to my locker but he went with me anyway even though I said I have to be quick because my dad is outside.
(5 October 2016)

Now when I'm in marching band I try to avoid him but he is always following me and it bugs me.
(5 October 2016)

He claimed it wasn't a date and started to insult himself: 'why would a girl like you like me anyway I'm ugly' I felt bad after that and apologized but he still continued trying to get to know me.
(5 October 2016)

I even told him that when he tried to make plans with me. he said he'd pay and everything cause he wanted to get to know me.
(5 October 2016)

He's nice but I don't see him that way.
(5 October 2016)

I thought it was just friendly at first but then he was getting a little too nice then a friend of mine told me how he wanted to get to know me and see if there's a spark.
(5 October 2016)

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