Monday 3 October 2016

The key to success

The one common denominator among successful people is that they are confident in themselves and their ability. People who fake confidence may achieve short-term success, but they will lose in the end // Jason:We never had sex and aren’t really planning to until senior year or after high school.(23 September 2016) Jason:I’m a junior in high school [...]

There's this tall, but shy guy at work.
(3 October 2016)

I need advice!!!!!?
(3 October 2016)

I know i have my child & i feel selfish for even feeling lonely but how do i get this feeling to go away?
(3 October 2016)

I feel like theres no hope for a real relationship anymore and i keep txting other guys and they all just annoy me or i just get bored and i feel so lonely.
(3 October 2016)

So i just got out of a almost 3 year relationship with my sons dad ,its not that long but we were very close but he recently cheated on me and i feel so lost now.
(3 October 2016)

Going into the relationship with the intention of cheating?
(3 October 2016)

So.. how horrible would you say the person in this situation is?
(3 October 2016)

How do you get over someone you never had?
(3 October 2016)

Ugh lol I just need to get over it but how?
(3 October 2016)

He's just so dreamy and tall, he looks like a movie star and he has big hands and very nice brown eyes.
(3 October 2016)

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