Friday 21 October 2016

The following quote summarizes what most people believe about prophecy

Unfortunately, we have strayed far from a scriptural definition of prophecy. The very essence of the prophetic gift is more about encouragement than rebuke and causing others to see into their future. In fact, the Bible says quite the opposite. We would come to the simple conclusion that prophecy should be gentle and appealing to [...]

My fb wants to be alone ? What should I do?
(21 October 2016)

My bf wants to be alone as he has depression time to time.
(21 October 2016)

I'm obviously not dumb, otherwise I would have went ahead and met this guy...
(21 October 2016)

I only asked for opinions on the guy.
(21 October 2016)

Thanks for calling me dumb Athena x.
(21 October 2016)

A feeling that someone is laying next to you?
(21 October 2016)

Last night I was asleep and I dreamt about a random guy that I've never met before and it was like he was trying to hurt me or touch me or something.
(21 October 2016)

Why do I feel weird after sex?
(21 October 2016)

I'm just like should I get tested?
(21 October 2016)

I'm not planning on seeing this guy again.
(21 October 2016)

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