Saturday 1 October 2016

TANTRA. What does it take to be a multi orgasmic man? A step by step guide.

Tantra and Tao is essentially the same. It originated in Hindu India and as Hindus became Buddhists and Buddhism spread to China, japan and Korea many of the original Sanskrit got translated into thei // Eileen:My sister was watching this cartoon on YouTube on her phone she just started watching it last week she loves it [...]

The only thing I can think of is going to the movies, or out to interesting restaurants but, that gets old.
(30 September 2016)

They can't do a lot of walking so going to a park, zoo, or museums won't be great choices.
(30 September 2016)

My parents are coming to visit me and I'm not sure what to do with them because they are older and can't do a lot of stuff.
(30 September 2016)

Am i pregnant or what?
(30 September 2016)

I went to the hospital & they said i have a yeast infection And that i am not pregnant.
(30 September 2016)

But instead, 4 days ago, i started spotting really light pink, it HARDLY stained my pad. then 2 days past and it turned brown, but it didnt stain my pad at all only when i wiped myself.
(30 September 2016)

So, i usually get my period around the time my little sister and mom finish theirs.
(30 September 2016)

Combination Pill? (Birth Control Pill Question)?
(30 September 2016)

Had sex (used a condom) Sept 26 - Took previous day's and today's pill at 8pm.
(30 September 2016)

Days and times I took my pills: Sept 23-24th - 3:30pm Sept 25 - Forgot to take my pills.
(30 September 2016)

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