Sunday 9 October 2016

So sit back as we attempt to read the tea leaves left to us by the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus

Yawn at the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. Apple declined to comment for this story. The removal of the headphone jack may be the start of a push to go wireless. The Apple Watch already uses a form of wireless charging. Those stations are just waiting for an iPhone._ Jenna:And he keeps coming online… Continue reading So sit back as we attempt to read the tea leaves left to us by the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus

My mom could keep on inproving to the point where she gets done with rehab and can safely be alone for a week by March.
(9 October 2016)

I won't need to be signed up for this trip till December.
(9 October 2016)

She's learning to walk with out assistance.
(9 October 2016)

It affected her motor skills and coordination.
(9 October 2016)

However, my mom had a stroke not too long ago.
(9 October 2016)

Financially, I can go on the trip too.
(9 October 2016)

I have no work that week, and I'd REALLY love to go back.
(9 October 2016)

I built so many relationships with people over there as well as on my team.
(9 October 2016)

We partnered with a high school, and spent the week focusing on character building with the students over there.
(9 October 2016)

Over the summer I me and several people I know went to Europe.
(9 October 2016)

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