Monday 3 October 2016

Slice your onion in half lengthwise and rub each cut-side with the vinegar

So what did we make with our new friend? We cook it slowly with mirin and chicken stock, and finish it off with crisp scallions and dried cranberries. Put your mandolin on its thinnest setting (that’s a 1/32 for us) and slice the serrano into rings. Then pop the seeds out with your fingers._ Maddie:Why do [...]

I never had a girlfriend, and I just want to know.. what is going on?
(2 October 2016)

I can be serious, but when it comes to girls, I'm more touchy and flirty.
(2 October 2016)

My behavior I'm positive, but also very dorky.
(2 October 2016)

Honestly, I talk with confidence, conversation might be dull, or might be too comfortable with a person in such a short amount of time.
(2 October 2016)

If that's the reason why I am not getting any luck with girls.
(2 October 2016)

I'm not sure what is up with me, if the reason is that.. I'm ugly, the way how I talk, walk or my behavior or attitude?
(2 October 2016)

I was laying in bed and was in deep thought, I just took a selfie for you to see who I am.. Sorry for being shirtless.
(2 October 2016)

My 23 year old daughter won't move out. What do I do?
(2 October 2016)

Alll she is doing is causing us distress and we are sick of it.
(2 October 2016)

I don't want to call the cops because that would be extreme.
(2 October 2016)

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