Sunday 9 October 2016

Signs that you are getting old!!!!

I thought that this was very amusing and how fitting it is to post something about getting old or to tell the signs that someone even you are getting old….enjoy!!!1. Your house plants are alive, an // Jessia:We stared walking together to lunch and talking and laughing and eventually we were good friends again.(30 September 2016) Jessia:I [...]

She wants to live with me everywhere I go which is really frustrating to me and honestly sometimes just makes me feel like I will never be a true adult.
(9 October 2016)

All of my family is wealthy except for me and my mom, I know my mom sees that, shes single and she is on SSI and I know if I married him she could live better and so could I.
(9 October 2016)

I am really trying to find myself, Right now in my life I don't even know what religion I want to belong to or what hair color I even want.
(9 October 2016)

So here is the problem, 1. I don't even really like men, 2. If I married him it would to just have a companion because I don't feel love for him at all. 3. I am not ready to settle down. 4. I am in love with someone else who doesn't like me.
(9 October 2016)

He is very kind but I feel like he is just a friend.
(9 October 2016)

He is in love with me but I don't feel the same way about him.
(9 October 2016)

There is this man I have know for 7 years and he is 34, has a full time job and owns several vehicles and as far as I know alot of cash in the bank.
(9 October 2016)

I am 24, I am in two colleges and I am well educated otherwise.
(9 October 2016)

Im drifting apart from my bestfriend because of her boyfriend any advice?
(9 October 2016)

How do I cope with being single?
(9 October 2016)

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