Wednesday 26 October 2016

Once the initial process is completed you are ready to generate the key

Surfing the internet I found interesting number from Bing maps which allows you to perform 10000 addresses in total. If you need more than that then create a new MSN or Hotmail account and get the new Bing map API key. This will generate Latitude, Longitude and other info._ Jammie:He says he thought I was dating [...]

Pair These Names Together..?
(26 October 2016)

Will a pregnancy test be affected by Nexplanon? I've had it for over a year and a half now and am having weird symptoms?
(26 October 2016)

Any advice or help would be great.
(26 October 2016)

I have been breaking out, just had one day of spotting (Sorry TMI) and been bloated.
(26 October 2016)

I've taken a few tests recently and they have all come up negative.
(26 October 2016)

Turn on spots for a trans?
(26 October 2016)

But I'm not sure if I should use some girl turn on spots or guy ones and I'm a little shy so I don't wanna ask.
(26 October 2016)

So I'm dating this trans, and he was a girl but isn't now.
(26 October 2016)

How to feel better when you're always sad?
(26 October 2016)

I dont wanna grow up?
(26 October 2016)

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