Wednesday 26 October 2016


Humor who knew.. // Hana:I do not consider myself an ugly guy but I don’t think any girl would like me.(14 October 2016) Hana:Thing with my confidence is that if I’d look another guy, any guy really, I feel like I am not good enough in a sense.(14 October 2016) Hana:Also she sits near this guy in class [...]

I have even told her that I am likely to cheat on her as she is asking me to wait too long and she still wont break up with me.
(26 October 2016)

I have been doing everything I can to get her to break up with me as I do not want to feel guilty.
(26 October 2016)

I cannot have sex with a women If I do not have an emotional connection to her.
(26 October 2016)

The problem I have is I cannot form an emotional connection with other women as I feel guilty due to cheating on her.
(26 October 2016)

Is this normal for teenagers or am i just anti social?
(26 October 2016)

I told them ill go later but then theyre like cmon lets go.
(26 October 2016)

The teacher allows us to go to the cafe but in one condition:everyone has to go.
(26 October 2016)

I am 15 and today I got mad(more than I actually should be) because everyone in class wants to go to the school cafe and i preffer to stay in class just because I am too lazy to move.
(26 October 2016)

Before leaving to work, I begin to feel nervous and my heart rate increases, pounding heavily?
(26 October 2016)

Since day 1, I have sensed a unique chaste attraction for her unlike anything in my life before meeting her.
(26 October 2016)

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