Friday 14 October 2016

Newest Story

After talking for awhile thru internet and text messages we arranged to meet to meet at an Inn not far from where he works. This would give me an hour drive to meet John. I knew what he looked like // Lula:I see Him veryday except for Sunday’s so I know he knows me.(4 October 2016) Lula:So [...]

Why? Shy girl try run away or hide from me?
(13 October 2016)

I don't understand why she always avoid me when i talk to her its hardly.
(13 October 2016)

Middle of birth control and have cramping and spotting?
(13 October 2016)

Regardless I would like to know if this bleeding mid pack is normal or if there's a chance I could be pregnant.
(13 October 2016)

I should add it's midterm week and I have been very very stressed lately so maybe that's playing a part?
(13 October 2016)

This morning around 4 I woke up with a killer headache and felt sick.
(13 October 2016)

He only came in me the first time but every other time he pulled out cause he was too scared.
(13 October 2016)

My boyfriend and I only had unprotected sex for the first time a week ago and have done it unprotected for the past week.
(13 October 2016)

I'm about half way through the second pack I've ever taken right now and as I was sitting in class I realized was feeling cramping and I went to the bathroom and I was bleeding a little.
(13 October 2016)

I've divorced her tell me I was right?
(13 October 2016)

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