Tuesday 4 October 2016

My Thoughts & Famous Quotes About Kissing

A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous. ” Ingrid Bergman”A man’s kiss is his signature” Mae West” I wasn’t kissing her, I was whispering in her mouth. //meelp.com/blog/603113/post_3505250.html?ANON_CONFIRM=TRUE Vannesa:I have a boy friend and I want to break up with him? Help!!!?(24 September 2016) Vannesa:Am i selfish for [...]

I've been in college for about a month and I've only made like 2 friends, but they're pretty good friends and I hang out with them every single day.
(3 October 2016)

He wants me to meet his sisters next week.
(3 October 2016)

How do I know my friend like likes me and ask me out like in a relationship not just a date?
(3 October 2016)

So idk we recently started talking again.
(3 October 2016)

He doesn t talk about other girls he talks to 2 people me and his guy friend.
(3 October 2016)

Fast forward that relationship is over and I really like my friend but Idk if he still feels the same.
(3 October 2016)

I was in a relationship when I found out he liked me but I turned him down because I couldn t just leave my long term relationship like that because that would be rude.
(3 October 2016)

I want to make a video to propose to my girlfriend. How do I do this?
(3 October 2016)

I am gonna propose to my girlfriend, I want to make a video of pictures of us with music in the background and then a video of me talking at the end but idk how to do that.
(3 October 2016)

How can I tell if he is interested?
(3 October 2016)

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