Friday 14 October 2016

My Medical Procedure And What It Means

My male friend told me good luck.He said I would be okay.I offered my thanksFor his thinking of me.On my medical procedure day.It is not something you tell To any and everyone.But what the hell!I gues // Edith:I’m not sure if she just stares?(4 October 2016) Edith:I’m a girl too but it’s confusing because when we lock [...]

Do you think college girls would be interested if I asked them to go with me to volunteer?
(14 October 2016)

Sort of like a date, but not really.
(14 October 2016)

Why did my ex stare at me?
(14 October 2016)

Eventually I couldn t take the staring so I walked away...
(14 October 2016)

He was bringing a patient in & couldn t come talk to me, but why do you think he was staring at me so hard?
(14 October 2016)

Well when I did I was kind of far from him but he stared at me the whole time.
(14 October 2016)

My ex & I broke up about a month ago & I haven t seen him since. (We had a bad breakup & we both blocked each other s phone numbers) He s a firefighter & im a nurse so I knew I would eventually see him.
(14 October 2016)

Why do guys always treat me like I AM a guy?
(14 October 2016)

They basically ignore my existence.
(14 October 2016)

I am a girl, but guys never seem to be interested in talking to me or think I'm pretty.
(14 October 2016)

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