Friday 14 October 2016

Marijuana has slowly been gaining legal status one state at a time

Those states are Arizona, California, Maine, Massachusetts and Nevada. USAToday was able to film behind the scenes at the convention in the video below. Click here to view the original article that first embedded this video. Jane supports the legalization of cannabis across the country.

His dad lost his job about two months ago and also totaled his car a few weeks prior to that (he managed to walk away from that). All in all, our relationship is rocky.
(5 October 2016)

Our son lives with me but his dad lives a few doors down.
(5 October 2016)

We have a 5 year old son together.
(5 October 2016)

Hi guys, I m in an on and off relationship with someone.
(5 October 2016)

Pros and Con's of two different guys?
(5 October 2016)

One in England the other in Florida.
(5 October 2016)

How much might such a thing cost?
(5 October 2016)

Is it odd when 2 sisters have names Anita and Eviana?
(5 October 2016)

As Anita and Eviana both have Ana, is it a strange name combination for siblings?
(5 October 2016)

And how long would I wait to take a test?
(5 October 2016)


Girls have you ever had sex with a Muslim guy?
(13 October 2016)

I'm just wondering because Muslims believe it's wrong to have sex before marriage but I know a lot of Muslims who do it anyway so I'm just asking (non-Muslim girls in particular) have you ever had sex with a Muslim guy?
(13 October 2016)

How can I get my girlfriend to sleep?
(13 October 2016)

She said her throats hurts and she has a head ache.
(13 October 2016)

She mentioned that she's not feeling so well.
(13 October 2016)

She just got out of the shower usually hot water makes her sleepy but not tonight.
(13 October 2016)

Me and my girlfriend are in bed she thought she was tired now she said she's not but she doesn't want to get out of bed.
(13 October 2016)

Any idea how we can resolve this family issue?
(13 October 2016)

I really don't want my family to be torn apart because of this.
(13 October 2016)

I'm absolutely sick of it and have no idea what to do.
(13 October 2016)

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