Sunday 2 October 2016

Love don’t cause a think

Adjadabia, Libya // Hye:He told me he was only coming around for the baby–not me.(23 September 2016) Hye:I tried flirting with him during doctor visits, but he always pulled away.(23 September 2016) Hye:Instead, he told me that if I decide to keep the baby, he would only be in my life as a co-parent and [...]

Anyways point is that whenever she wants to hang out outside of school, she invites me and Abigail, not those friends she's usually with at lunch.
(2 October 2016)

My and my other friend Abigail go hang out with our friends.
(2 October 2016)

We all eat lunch together sure, but after that we drift ways and she hangs out with other people.
(2 October 2016)

During school my one friend Ashley always hangs out with other people.
(2 October 2016)

Ok look, there's three of us altogether.
(2 October 2016)

Pain in right side?
(2 October 2016)

I've also noticed that I've lost my appetite and foods I've always loved make me feel sick thinking about them.
(2 October 2016)

It's sometimes in the middle of my stomach as well.
(2 October 2016)

The pain goes from my ribs to the bottom of my hip bone.
(2 October 2016)

At times the pain suddenly appears and is shooting from my thigh to stomach.
(2 October 2016)

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