Tuesday, 25 October 2016

looking for a friends with benefits

Waterbury, Connecticut //meelp.com/profile/Devilicious_92 Theo:Also it seems a little crappy down there.(13 October 2016) Theo:Lately everytime I eat I get nauseous slightly but I never throw up.(13 October 2016) Theo:I got my period on time and it last 6-7 days which is normal for me.(13 October 2016) Theo:He put it in unprotected for a few seconds, pulled [...]

Im having thoughts of my ex alot lately, Maybe because she contacted me a month or so ago and its been playing on my mind, I know we will never be together again but it still messed my head up,i miss her tbh.
(24 October 2016)

I split from my ex in January un willingly due to the fact that i was a an addict and she couldn t deal with my situation, im happy to say ive seeked therapy and am now in a better place and am living a healthy life,just hurts that i lost my soulmate.
(24 October 2016)

So guys my heads been all over the place the last month or so and i need some advice.
(24 October 2016)

What is wrong woth me how do i break the cycle?
(24 October 2016)

I contact her mostly and she knows i like her but its like she is sending me so many mixed signals.
(24 October 2016)

The only way to break the awkwardness is to text again.
(24 October 2016)

At times i say its too much for me and then we stop texting but it becomes awkward when we see each other and the friend group all knows it.
(24 October 2016)

She knows i have a crush on her.
(24 October 2016)

I have a friend who i have a crush on, if i am truely honest with myself i want more but i am scared because i never want the friendship to be gone ever.
(24 October 2016)

Why do I feel very emotionally detached from my family and friends, yet get very attached, very quickly, to the guys I date?
(24 October 2016)

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