Tuesday 18 October 2016

Let’s run away together

Let’s sell every thing we own and just go till we find that place where we want to call home.So tired of life’s bullshit and being told what i can and cant do.Let’s just get on the bike load up the tent and camping gear and put the wind in our face and drive till [...]

He puts his hand down on the table and it accidentally touched mine he keeps it there.
(17 October 2016)

Whenever we stand next to each other and I'm working on something I can see him from the corner of my eye look and stare at me.
(17 October 2016)

But I don't feel uncomfortable I actually like it alot.
(17 October 2016)

We joke around a lot and he sais the most explicit sexual things to me.
(17 October 2016)

I feel like he likes me but I'm not sure.
(17 October 2016)

He's absolutely hilarious and charming.
(17 October 2016)

Not only is he handsome but his personality is what I'm mostly drawn to.
(17 October 2016)

I've never been so attracted to anyone in my life.
(17 October 2016)

I work with a guy and I'm extremely attracted to him.
(17 October 2016)

I had my period for 5 days and it ended before the 5 when I got my drop shot.. but lately I've been going to the bathroom and lot more and been feeling tired during the day..
(17 October 2016)

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