Saturday 15 October 2016

Leather and Lace Party October 4th

[image]Leather and Lace PartyRemember I am not online from the Thursday before an event until after the event so ask questions early or just show up everyone who is open minded and interested in the l // Apryl:Today he actually tried to convince my mom, who he’d never met before today, to let him come on [...]

I decided to test any guy I date whether he is financially doing well or not.
(15 October 2016)

I'm with this girl, and I really like her?
(15 October 2016)

What is the best way to say that I really like her?
(15 October 2016)

I have done many thing sto her, but It's like she's not seeing my worth.
(15 October 2016)

So Im with this girl that I only see once a year (currently) and I really really like her.
(15 October 2016)

My brother is crazy, bipolar, and has no attention span?
(15 October 2016)

He says I'm lazy for not joining a club or getting good grades, even though I have all A's and I am joining two fall and spring sports.
(15 October 2016)

He constantly gets me embarrased too.
(15 October 2016)

My parents love him because he's outgoing but they havr never seen the other side of him.
(15 October 2016)

When I try to tell him that he gets moody, he ignores me and yells at me.
(15 October 2016)

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