Sunday 9 October 2016

Learn EVERYTHING you need to know to cloth diaper with ease

People were always mentioning it in chat groups that I was in. After trying the clothing out I realize how wrong I was. I received items free in exchange for a review. However, all opinions expressed are 100% honest and true. I mean it, I even bought a bunch of stuff myself because I liked [...]

My boyfriend is polyamorous and I m not..?
(8 October 2016)

I know that if he hadn t ever told me he was poly or if he didn t talk about it to people that I wouldn t have ever thought he might be cheating and I just don t know what to do.
(8 October 2016)

I really love my boyfriend and I don t want my mental health to ruin our relationship but I don t know how to stop feeling like he s cheating on me.
(8 October 2016)

Before we started dating he told me that he was poly but that he loved me and if I didn t like that he would respect me and not date anyone else.
(8 October 2016)

Okay so I ve been dating this guy for about 2 months and I am absolutely in love with him and was the first time we met.
(8 October 2016)

Anyway why did he remove his picture with the same shorts of which i have that shirt.. And why did he block me back after i blocked him( on whatsapp) thank you.
(8 October 2016)

Becauae i told him on another app that a girl is asking me to stay away from him and saying shes his boyfriend.
(8 October 2016)

I messaged him from the same number today and he probably saw my old messages from the number because he blocked me and removed the picture of his shorts.
(8 October 2016)

Means someone else used his phone.
(8 October 2016)

Town and i want to meet him and he saw it but didnt reply.
(8 October 2016)

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