Wednesday 5 October 2016

It was the last weekend for their dinosaur exhibit

And of course, the timelines were labeled in tens of millions of years. Why are scientists so ridiculous? I noticed a couple of men standing nearby who began to snicker and whisper to one another. Nevertheless, I was a proud dad. They deliberately overlook the facts, and they stumble on the rock of Christ Jesus, … Continue reading It was the last weekend for their dinosaur exhibit

I (13F) have a crush on my friend (14M) i don't think he likes me in that way but we are pretty new friends so I'm not really sure.
(3 October 2016)

I'm meeting her parents, what do I need to know?
(3 October 2016)

Let me know if you've been in a situation like this, and let me know what you did.
(3 October 2016)

Should I prepare for a Q&A from him?
(3 October 2016)

Should I make a lot of physical contact with her around him?
(3 October 2016)

What should I talk about with him around?
(3 October 2016)

I am not planning on bringing anything for her father, because I don't know what he's like (is that bad, idk). I am going to dress to impress, and be myself.
(3 October 2016)

I want to bring flowers for her and her mother (even though she's not going to be there). I want her mother to know that I am a gentleman and respect them both.
(3 October 2016)

I'm only going to meet her father tomorrow, because her mother will be at work.
(3 October 2016)

Me and this girl like each other, and we were trying to hangout at her house alone, but her parents didn't allow that because they haven't met me yet.
(3 October 2016)

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