Saturday 8 October 2016

Is she a slut or a whore?

If the man pays the full price of a hotel room for a couple hours of fucking with a woman he meets on Meelp … is the woman a slut or a whore? // Tu:I am a man of 23 years old and i still have not had a match. what should I do?(29 September 2016) Lakeisha:Should [...]

We broke up peacefully but the hole is still there.
(8 October 2016)

Me and my boyfriend broke up 4 weeks ago.
(8 October 2016)

My brother keeps on doing really weird things?
(8 October 2016)

Idk what to do and really need some serious answers plz help.
(8 October 2016)

Or will they freak out and their idol just become some weirdo they worshiped.
(8 October 2016)

But if they hear about this will they do nothing, or will they feel like i'm just making up stuff.
(8 October 2016)

Idk how my parents will react if I tell them, bc they idolize him for being so brave and going to fight for our freedom.
(8 October 2016)

IDK what is wrong with him, I know he isn't gay he talks about women and their parts all the time, and got caught several times when he was a teenager at girls houses.
(8 October 2016)

Last night i really freaked out bc he was naked and curled up in bed with me, and got hard it was really gross.
(8 October 2016)

He just looked at me said sorry and covered back up.
(8 October 2016)

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