Sunday 9 October 2016

Im the number one!

Aguas Lindas De Goias, Goias, Brazil // Candis:He was always mentally abusive toward me but physical the last year of marriage.(30 September 2016) Candis:He left me over a year ago for another woman.(30 September 2016) Candis:I was married to a man for 6 years, with him 11 and have a 6 year old daughter with [...]

We saw each other in person 5 times and he also went to visit me at work at least twice . I also invited him out and paid for him but he paid for me too so it was even.
(9 October 2016)

Is he falling for me?
(9 October 2016)

How do I get my Dad to stop being an alcoholic so he can be a nicer Dad and spend time with us?
(9 October 2016)

How can I get him to stop drinking.
(9 October 2016)

We only get to see him once a year but he lives 30 minutes away.
(9 October 2016)

Right now my Mom says he doesn't love us because he only chooses his drinks.
(9 October 2016)

I don t know if I should take the chance and move or not.
(9 October 2016)

How well do you have to know a girl before you date her in high school?
(9 October 2016)

I really really need advice on this guy I like!!!!?
(9 October 2016)

I feel like I am lost and I cant find a way back.Any advice?
(9 October 2016)

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