Wednesday 5 October 2016

How does this site work???

I must be old and dumb. I thought you could meet (in person) people. All I get is flirts and lookers that I can’t even see ’cause I’m standard. IM could be cool with pictures. I’d go for that, but I r // Celena:Like with the guy who followed me I gave him something just to [...]

I sent a group snapchat with the same stories and he saw both of the stroies and snapchats.
(4 October 2016)

Why am I wish-washy?
(4 October 2016)

I don't want to be uptight, fake, and self centered.
(4 October 2016)

How do I grow down to Earth and not so wishy-washy?
(4 October 2016)

I don't want people to find out how fake I am and I feel like it's only a matter of time before I really hurt someone.
(4 October 2016)

Im so fake and self centered that every boy I come in contact with I think he likes me automatically and if he doesn't I subtly try to make him like me.
(4 October 2016)

Don't even like to hug my brother sometimes because a lot of people think he is annoying, one girl even called him a bug and I didn't defend him, I smiled and giggled even.
(4 October 2016)

So when a girl I did know came up to me and gave me a hug I acted indifferent and when she walked away the group girls made fun of her and I laughed.
(4 October 2016)

Like today, I was sitting with a group of girls I didn't know and I wanted them to like me.
(4 October 2016)

I'm only nice when its convenient.
(4 October 2016)

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