Saturday 22 October 2016

hi new here to try it out

Singapore // Isaura:Is right to be held obligated by mother to watch her childcare kids?(11 October 2016) Isaura:I also just don’t like to be involve with watching other people children when their trust is not in my hands.(11 October 2016) Isaura:I am not a problem child, worked very hard, great grades, very to myself.(11 October [...]

Now she says that she won't give me lunch money for school and that my license test which I scheduled will be cancelled.
(20 October 2016)

She was yelling so loudly so I wanted to pull over but she wouldn't let me.
(20 October 2016)

The other day I was driving her to my doctor's office and she started suddenly screaming at me dropping the f bomb.
(20 October 2016)

Okay, so my mother has recently exhibited very intense mood changes.
(20 October 2016)

If you messed up with someone that you have feelings for should you try to make it up to them or just not bother?
(20 October 2016)

We only talk now if I contact her I think it's because she hasn't really forgiven me.
(20 October 2016)

She decided that she wanted to still talk to me but I don't know what that really means.
(20 October 2016)

I don't want to bother her but I really can't stop thinking about her.
(20 October 2016)

Should I try to contact her or no?
(20 October 2016)

I really want to make it up to her and show her that I really care about her.
(20 October 2016)

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