Sunday 2 October 2016

Hi everyone…

How’s your summer going..already august // Macy:Im 12 and my boyfriend wants to have sex, i told him i want to wait until im at least 14 but he says if i love him i will let him have sex with me, and that he will break up with me if i refuse.(23 September 2016) Lashell:Is this [...]

I forgot a pill on day 9. I found out the next day when i was going to take my pill at the usual time.
(2 October 2016)

I take zoelly combined pills (nomegestrol acetate 2,5mg and estradiol 1,5mg) they have a package of 28 with 4 placebo pills.
(2 October 2016)

Am I a 90s baby?
(2 October 2016)

Sigh I was born January 1st, 2000 and I'm so pissed that people that are 1 day older then me a 90s babies.
(2 October 2016)

But above all, I want something that is simple and won't have a lot of side effects since the main reason im going on in it so i dont get pregnant.
(2 October 2016)

Additional, i would also like if it made my period less frequent.
(2 October 2016)

I want a pill that ideally: prevents pregnancy and DOES NOT make me gain weight.
(2 October 2016)

So im not sure what brand to get.
(2 October 2016)

However, i have to do this on my own because my parents are not involved in this decision.
(2 October 2016)

Hi. i'm 16 and need to go on birth control so i don't get pregnant.
(2 October 2016)

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