Tuesday 4 October 2016

He takes incredible joy and spends endless hours in the pursuit of the polished pixel

It is a beautiful gear swallowing backpack which is feature rich in a spartan pleasing design made with high quality materials. My longest running MLP, Ed took his time working on his photographic message to find his own path in visual communication. He does a good job and you can find more of his images, [...]

Then why would he want a relationship?
(3 October 2016)

I just don't understand if we are friends and we both find eachother sexually attractive.
(3 October 2016)

Long story short it didn't happened and he judt recently brought up the fwb thing.
(3 October 2016)

Then he said he wasn't trying to catch feelings, but asked if I wanted to be fwb wth him.
(3 October 2016)

Then during the summer he made a moved and we made out and stuff.
(3 October 2016)

So ive been friends with this guy for about a year now and I guess I've always wanted soemthing more but I never told anyone or acted on it.
(3 October 2016)

Wondering if I'm a creep for this?
(3 October 2016)

What do I do as I'm dropping her off?
(3 October 2016)

How do I know to give her a kiss?
(3 October 2016)

After our post dance activity when in dropping her off what do I do?
(3 October 2016)

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