Monday, 24 October 2016

****** FISTING ****

FISTING Hello, I am looking for any lady’s that would like to try fisting…. It can be the best !!! Lets talk about have some fun…. Put in fisting in the subject line // Theda:If they do like me, they are keeping quiet about it or playing hard to get.(12 October 2016) Theda:I [...]

I still like him and i don't want it to end because of timing.
(23 October 2016)

I know most would just move on but I can't.
(23 October 2016)

I really liked him and know that if he didn't have this transition period, we would have made it much longer but because of timing, he needed a break.
(23 October 2016)

It really sucks because he said due to all the stress of school and applications, he needed a break and didn't know if we would get back together.
(23 October 2016)

I met this guy towards the end of high school and we dated through summer and into our beginning of freshman year. he ended up attending a community college and now wants to transfer out which means lots of applications.
(23 October 2016)

I was called ugly by some guys but I'm pretty?
(23 October 2016)

I'm not fat I'm 105 lbs and 5'2 I don't have acne I wear makeup everyday and I dress nice .
(23 October 2016)

I feel really upset about it and I don't want to be ugly even though I'm average looking i think and people say I'm pretty.
(23 October 2016)

There's a lot of people who have crushes on me and think I'm pretty but I had some guy call me ugly on omegle, my friends guy friend called me ugly, and these other guys too.
(23 October 2016)

Okay why do guys (and girls) compliment someone who (example) suffers from anorexia but just because theyre hot considers them thick..?
(23 October 2016)

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