Wednesday 5 October 2016

find another man whom can make me happy

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam // Sherry:We have been hanging out with this girl for a couple weeks now (my gf has known her for a couple years prior) We always get drunk and have fun.(26 September 2016) Heike:Hello all! Trying to see what rights my brother has in regards to his unborn baby?(26 [...]

Should I talk to her about breaking up or let her to her thing?
(4 October 2016)

Are group of friends doesn't think it will work out she needs constant attention and shes a flirt and talks to a lot of guys and is super stressed about everylityle thing..
(4 October 2016)

And about how much would the charge be since he's in france.
(4 October 2016)

Or if he doesn't want that can they still talk and text everyday.
(4 October 2016)

She has 2 years of highschool left can he get a delayed discharge.
(4 October 2016)

They have been dating for 2 weeks and she doesn't want to leave him.
(4 October 2016)

Okay so my friend she's 17 she met a guy a month ago whose 19 and is about to be shipped to france.
(4 October 2016)

Help me with this guy. Best answer awarded in 12 hours?
(4 October 2016)

So I guess I'm asking what should I do?
(4 October 2016)

He is older than me and I do understand why he wouldn't want to be so public with us but I don't care what other people think.
(4 October 2016)

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