Saturday 15 October 2016

Date in Monterey or around -Dinner/Drinks

New here and bored. Lookind for a pretty female to go out with .Ideally I am looking for a girlfriend Just moved here from Dallas,TX. Looking for someone to go out with. Explore more of Monterey or whatever is around. Enjoy nice food etc.I have been around but I will enjoy much more with nice [...]

How would I go about finding a women like that because even though I have a normal sex drive I have way to many problems to have sex and I no normal women will ever love me.
(15 October 2016)

I heard that there are women out there that are asexual and are interested in love without sex.
(15 October 2016)

With all these problems sex it's pretty much an impossibility and even if it was I'm probably too small to please a women anyway.
(15 October 2016)

I get really nervous before sex so it's hard for me to get it up and when I do there isn't enough friction in the vagina for me to feel anything and all the thrusting makes my dick feels like it's going to brake off.
(15 October 2016)

I'm 23 years old an my dick doesn't work.
(15 October 2016)

What does it mean when a friend plans on leaving?
(15 October 2016)

She doesn't feel the same way as me I don't think... What should I do..She help changed me for the better..
(15 October 2016)

Even tho I said i understand Sometimes I cried and i was holding back how I really felt.. I told her today how I felt.. we kinda argued.
(15 October 2016)

Are we a good looking couple?
(15 October 2016)

If life is short, then why don't we just drug ourselves and be happy?
(15 October 2016)

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