NATURAL CHILD, NATURAL SOCIETY: Ed Milliband, Corbyn, and children as politically astute non-voters. Millibland was against lowering it. Most of the panel was against lowering it. He intimated that they (under 17s) did not know enough to be trusted with a vote._ India:She says she doesn’t care if he breaks up with her but I’ve asked [...]
They're always somehow linked to their ex.
(29 October 2016)
It's been like this with every guy I end up interested in.
(29 October 2016)
We talk, I think he actually likes me, then he becomes distant.
(29 October 2016)
Do you think that males should coach girls sports?
(29 October 2016)
Always wondered what public opinion was on this.
(29 October 2016)
There's a woman where I work, we are good friends, but I've noticed Something.
(29 October 2016)
Does my baby have reflux?
(29 October 2016)
The only way she does is in her carseat.
(29 October 2016)
This in turn makes it difficult for her to sleep.
(29 October 2016)
She spits out the milk from the side of her mouth while sucking the bottle, sounds like she is drinking too fast, and gags a lot.
(29 October 2016)
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