Wednesday 5 October 2016


Binkolo, Sierra Leone // Sharan:The thing is we haven t made out in almost a month, but we hang out on weekends but he never initiates with me.(26 September 2016) Sharan:He broke up with his girlfriend for me.(26 September 2016) Sharan:We have made out 3 times drunk and one time sober.(26 September 2016) Sharan:There is this [...]

I remember seeing him stare at ME through the corner of my eye, and when we moved classes, he chose to sit by ME.
(4 October 2016)

There's this guy in my class who just moved here last year.
(4 October 2016)

Do gay white guys only like black dudes?
(4 October 2016)

Why is my girlfriend mad? i mailed her 10g of strong dank?
(4 October 2016)

One year anniversary with my babies father, idea's for a gift?
(4 October 2016)

I had an idea of baking his favorite dessert write something cute on it and make a timeline poster of are pictures just a little idea, any other suggestions?
(4 October 2016)

I've known my boyfriend for two years we were friends with feelings for each other and we are going on dating for a year the 29th of this month, he works well I go to school, I wanna do something nice but without asking him for money.
(4 October 2016)

Her & i really never fight or anything like that. my mom also despises her and thinks she s a bad influence.
(4 October 2016)

She also is reall short tempered and mean to a lot of people, except for me. she also loses friends easily and then is friends with them the next week.
(4 October 2016)

How do I take my mother's Vape?
(4 October 2016)

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