Saturday 17 September 2016

your dick should never be a substitution for your lack of personality.

Johannesburg, Iceland // Mildred:Honestly my endurance has gotten so low through neglect it only really takes 2 mins or so.(9 September 2016) Mildred:I know it sounds bad, but my wife doesnt do that anymore, we barely have sex.(9 September 2016) Mildred:My neighbor doesnt really have the money to pay me, so she’ll give fellatio.(9 September [...]

How come I thought this guy liked me by the way he was talking to me but the next week I saw him he hardly spoke to me?
(16 September 2016)

But the next time we saw each other he had opportunities to talk more but he didn't say as much as before, and wasn't talking personally anymore. i guess it just confused me.
(16 September 2016)

The way it came off to me then was he wanted to date me.
(16 September 2016)

I assumed he was wanting to get to know me to date me or at least be friends.
(16 September 2016)

He was asking me all sorts of questions that had nothing to do with the topics at hand, personal questions like about my family etc.
(16 September 2016)

The first time we spoke was in class in college, and we were doing an icebreaker challenge where we had to talk about ourselves with a partner.
(16 September 2016)

So... I hate high school now because we moved. I feel really home sick, how do I let my mom know I don't want this?
(16 September 2016)

Since I'm in high school i feel like this is a time to make a few new friends, be around my close friends and family and be comfortable in the place I've been born and raised.
(16 September 2016)

I would see here a lot and once I finish these last 2 years of high school I would move back in with my mom because I would go to college over their.
(16 September 2016)

If I where to somehow move back and stay with my auntie or grampa it would be fine I wouldn't miss my family because my mom goes to work every Friday over their.
(16 September 2016)

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