Monday 19 September 2016

Young cowboy looking for that special girl to give my heart too

Hello I am 24 years old and I am looking for that special somone to give my heart to, when I get to know a girl and like her I tell her how I feel from my heart and mean what I say from it, I am also in th agriculture industry and hope to [...]

Yes we've had sec it was a regular thing for us.
(19 September 2016)

We've been together about 8 months.
(19 September 2016)

I am trying to be right before God, and i know part of that is not having sex.
(19 September 2016)

We've (mostly all) had our rough patches with this.
(19 September 2016)

I come from a very Christian upbringing.
(19 September 2016)

I really want to do it?
(19 September 2016)

I really want to film a couple of girls at school?
(19 September 2016)

They're just beautiful?
(19 September 2016)

What to expect when observing at a daycare?
(19 September 2016)

I need to observe for two different classes but do you think it would be okay if I just use the same daycare for both of them?
(19 September 2016)

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