Saturday 17 September 2016

what anexciting day.

Whilst out shopping today for clothing in Anne Summers.( no boys i dont need toys thanks).I had the laugh of the day, an elderly couple went down the basement area and was browsing.. HE TURNED ON A VI // Chieko:This usually means we have to eat granola bars or oatmeal or something gross like that Did [...]

He giggles and says he loves her.
(16 September 2016)

She gives him a muffin, kisses him and cuddles him.
(16 September 2016)

Should i still visit my friend?
(16 September 2016)

How are you a slut if you only have boyfriend for the last 9 years?
(16 September 2016)

Cheating relationship?
(16 September 2016)

I want to keep seeing her but want to find somone else becauce of all the drama. how can i cheat an just not tell her. weve broken up for a few weeks at a time an we both skrewed around during the breaks but i felt bad an had to tell her.
(16 September 2016)

What's a good way to let a girl know you just want to be friends with benefits?
(16 September 2016)

Basically now she's extremely into me, and with fair reason.
(16 September 2016)

We got really physical and just about the only thing we didn't do was have actual intercourse.
(16 September 2016)

Just 2 days ago she asked me to spend the night with her at her apartment and I did.
(16 September 2016)

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