Thursday 29 September 2016

Wait until you see how many things the matching punch does

It’s an 8 minute card, and I love it. Here’s a quick video of this card , along with my dental floss tip. As a person who makes a lot of gluing mistakes, I can testify to its usefulness. There is never a shortage of them. Thank you for the brilliant tip on dental floss._ Erline:We [...]

I haven't known him for long, hell, I've barely spoken to the guy, but the last time I felt like this was for a guy I was crushing on hard for 14 years.
(28 September 2016)

But I'm not very good with my feelings and expressing them in a way that doesn't irritate or annoy most people.
(28 September 2016)

Please tell me if he likes me or not.
(28 September 2016)

My friends aren't usually supportive of my relationships and I want to prove them wrong.
(28 September 2016)

I really don't want to waste my time on him especially iif he doesn't like me.
(28 September 2016)

He is really cute and we talked once but that was it.
(28 September 2016)

I know he is looking at me from the corner of his eye because usually hhe corner of his eye is white but when he looks at me it turns black since he has brown eyes.
(28 September 2016)

So this guy is really shy around me and me only.
(28 September 2016)

Am I the only female who is not attracted to older guys at all?
(28 September 2016)

I usually prefer guys my age or 1-2 years order.
(28 September 2016)

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