Sunday 25 September 2016

Using the art of paper crafts to do that is my passion

I hope my U.S. (ETA: and Canadian) friends are enjoying the Labor Day holiday. But using everything you have can be tough. Each class in this yearlong series provides three separate challenges that focus on using a specific supply. All opinions and comments are my own.

The other mom's often give me dirty looks but it's a strategic plan so they don't talk to me or want me to be part of their super mom pta clique.
(17 September 2016)

Me - But, but I do listen to it in the parking lot when I'm waiting to pick the kids up from school, just enough here and there where others might hear it.
(17 September 2016)

Me - Just the baby because she can't talk, the other kids no because I'm afraid the foster kids will tell their case worker and they'll think we're shady.
(17 September 2016)

Apparently my choice of music baffled, startled or amused him (maybe all 3). I was listening to Eminem and Jay-Z (like I do everyday) and he asked me this.. Him - Do you jam to this with the kids in the car?
(17 September 2016)

Anyway, we went to lunch and I drove, in my vehicle.
(17 September 2016)

My husband of 11 years had a rare day off yesterday so he spent most of the day getting on my nerves because he was bored.
(17 September 2016)

How to sleep over my boyfriends house without my parents knowing?
(17 September 2016)

I'm afraid if I say I'm sleeping over my friends house that my parents might call their parents.
(17 September 2016)

I never hide anything from my parents so this is something huge.
(17 September 2016)

I'm not even going to try to convince them either.
(17 September 2016)


Her and I hung out together a few times with other people.
(25 September 2016)

Her experience in life is very limited.
(25 September 2016)

From what she has told me, her life has been a walk in the park except for some dumb decisions she made.
(25 September 2016)

She speaks English but she has a strong accent.
(25 September 2016)

She is from South East Asia, moved to the US at 20 I think.
(25 September 2016)

I'm 25, and I'm friends with a co-worker who is 29 years old.
(25 September 2016)

I can t pronounce my name due to stammering.iam very tense about this, would it be for life long?
(25 September 2016)

Why is falling and being in Love so much torture and pain?
(25 September 2016)

How do you learn to cope with this uncontrollable feeling of love.
(25 September 2016)

Life would be so much easier without romantic relationships.
(25 September 2016)

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