Tuesday 13 September 2016

U.S. Open

Well I hope that the 4 or 5 of you who showed up to my big blowout party Saturday across from the U.S. Open had a good time. We had 3 guys fall over from drinking too much hard stuff and 2 ladies who_ Alyson:Catlyn who was celebrating her birthday that same day, was in tears, [...]

He is hetrosexual and a virgin at 35. Been shy to ask girls out when he was young and vital 18-29. Those years have past him.
(12 September 2016)

Ok, I'm 15 (almost 16) and i recently got pregnant, and my boyfriend is 18, what do i do but my bf could go to jail, is there a loophole?
(12 September 2016)

Am I pregnant??!!!!?
(12 September 2016)

Seemed interested, but hasn't contacted me?
(12 September 2016)

I'm not a 'weird or nerdy' person although I'm slightly shy and I'm nice to everyone... Help?
(12 September 2016)

I feel so alone, I have one friend but we never go out together and I'm really missing my best friend who moved school and she has a huge group of friends now, I don't really like my class or school and I feel alone.
(12 September 2016)

What can be done about a 19 year old immature man. he till acts 12 and hangs out with kids on his bike and plays with kids toys?
(12 September 2016)

He says he doesnt feel confortable around people his age, because they are too old, he thinks he is still a kid. can a pycologit help him to grow up?
(12 September 2016)

Why is she like this, help?
(12 September 2016)

Year 9 Too old year 7?
(12 September 2016)

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