Monday 19 September 2016

These parties are the ideal place to socialise with other successful individuals

This is why he became an Enclothed customer. Do the clubs and bars you recommend have strict dress codes? Most of the time its less cut and dry at the best places. At most of the clubs you can get away with trainers if you carry them off with style and the whole outfit is…

Well this month Im over a week late took a pregnancy test it was negative.
(19 September 2016)

In 2012 I had the cyst drilled off and have had period every month like clockwork since, only have been late by a day or two at most.
(19 September 2016)

I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 20 years old.
(19 September 2016)

Child Help!!!?
(19 September 2016)

Why am I the one that always has to text first?
(19 September 2016)

He always sounds happy to hear from me so not sure what the big deal is.
(19 September 2016)

He texts and calls usually when I ask him to but it would be nice if he would text me first.
(19 September 2016)

I met this guy and we ve been seeing each other for about a month but I notice I m the one that has to initiate contact.
(19 September 2016)

Thought I'd ask in the dating section since real couples probably do this.
(19 September 2016)

How do I approach him without being creepy?
(19 September 2016)

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