Saturday 3 September 2016

Theories abound about who wrote it and what it means

Its content is even more mysterious. Does the book hold the key to eternal youth? Or is it a mere collection of herbal medicine and recipes? Only slightly bigger than a paperback, the book contains over 200 pages including several large fold-outs. Once printed, the pages are put together and made to look older._ Mariana:She asked [...]

My 1 year old son is getting hurt by his 4 year old cousin?
(2 September 2016)

I just got a job a week ago doesn't pay well but I'm saving money to move out.
(2 September 2016)

I don't know if she gets it from that but I need advice.
(2 September 2016)

My sister would throw things, slam doors and even curse around her daughter.
(2 September 2016)

I know she saw her mother fought a lot with her ex's boyfriends in the past.
(2 September 2016)

I don't know where my niece gets her anger from.
(2 September 2016)

I'm 26 years old I'm a single parent and I lost my job.d I couldn't afford my apartment anymore so I had to move in with my parents.
(2 September 2016)

I yelled at her when she did that I grab her into my sister room and told my sister what happened she didn't care.
(2 September 2016)

I can't stop thinking about it the image is still in my head. it drives me crazy.
(2 September 2016)

He has bruises on his face because of her. if she was a grown woman I would make her regret for laying hands on my son.
(2 September 2016)

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