Sunday 18 September 2016

Seeking someone to have fun with

Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada // Carri:Then lastnight she comes and says shutup you look like so and so, her brother was there too.(10 September 2016) Carletta:Would she think I’m weird?(10 September 2016) Karima:Would she tell?(10 September 2016) Pamella:Im in love with my bestfriend does she like me?(10 September 2016) Lien:Girlfriend lost her virginity to another guy at a [...]

We struggle with jealousy issues, her more so than me even though we trust eachother equally.
(18 September 2016)

I've never felt the way I feel about her, about anyone else, we're definitely in love but we have problems.
(18 September 2016)

We've been dating for about 5 months but began talking in December last year.
(18 September 2016)

It's long distance for now considering I'm in college 4 hours away from where she attends high school.
(18 September 2016)

I'm an 18 year old girl in a relationship with a 16 year old girl.
(18 September 2016)

I'm really in need of relationship advice.
(18 September 2016)

Sorry in advance for how long this is.
(18 September 2016)

I told him that i have trust issues, then he suddenly pulls away. why is that?
(18 September 2016)

Hypothetical dilemma: Pregnant after a one night stand?
(18 September 2016)

I've been thinking about what I would do if I found myself in difficult situations - one of them being this and I want other people's opinions on what they would do: If you found out you were pregnant after a one night stand, would you tell the father?
(18 September 2016)

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