Wednesday 14 September 2016

Rant in a Long Line of Rants or (Rants in my Pants)

Here it is two days before my Birthday and not a Hope of a Birthday BJ in sight or driving distance. Since last Rant, I have gone back to work, and that’s only because I can’t afford to quit, and act_ Eryn:I still like his bestfriend Matt.(5 September 2016) Eryn:It’s been 3 months and Josh still likes [...]

Back and forth goes on and aventually I walk out on her.Somehow meet up.
(14 September 2016)

She made a comment about she might do the same.
(14 September 2016)

Asked her to take me to another bar with girls as I wanted to get laid.
(14 September 2016)

Said she is attracted to me but didn t want to get affectionate at the bar.Told her that s fine, Im older than her so just told her I d shrug it off.
(14 September 2016)

I waited to her what happened couple days later while having drinks.
(14 September 2016)

She woke up top less and didn t know why.
(14 September 2016)

Eventually I visit her, first night we get drunk and we make out pretty heavily.
(14 September 2016)

Calling me jerk but always kept coming back, Sending me selfies, somehow keeping contact through text or online.
(14 September 2016)

Contact picked back up.I kept being more of my self, asshole if you will.
(14 September 2016)

Communication between us slowed down.
(14 September 2016)

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