Thursday 22 September 2016

Pocket Taser Stun Gun, A Great Gift for the Wife

A guy who purchased his lovely wife a pocket Taser for theiranniversary submitted this:Last weekend I saw something at Larry’s Pistol & Pawn Shop thatsparked my interest. The occasion was our 15th a // Brittany:I went home and it all went well but I felt guilty rejecting her offer.(14 September 2016) Brittany:She talked to me and offered [...]

Should i get revenge on my dad?
(22 September 2016)

One year ago he dated this woman and he would disappear for hours, returning home at 5 am or 6 am.
(22 September 2016)

I live with my dad but recently i started working full time.
(22 September 2016)

I like this kid and i think he likes me too. One of my best friends has liked him for over 2 years but days theyre just friends?
(22 September 2016)

Crush On A Junior As A Freshman. Help Please!?
(22 September 2016)

Please try and help me in whatever way or give me advice without being assholes about it.
(22 September 2016)

I honestly don't know what to do or anything about any of this so here I am asking the internet for help.
(22 September 2016)

Alone, he doesn't seem bad though.
(22 September 2016)

He loves fishing, hunting and basketball and when surrounded by his friends can also be a bit of a dick.
(22 September 2016)

A couple days later I asked him why he hated me so much because I assumed he did, he said he didn't but I don't know.
(22 September 2016)

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