Wednesday 14 September 2016

let’s go to play and have fun!

mosta, Malta // Gregory:Ive already said he can try to find her, or rape or do something bad, but I need more persuasion.(5 September 2016) Gregory:Im not sure if I said too much and if I should delete this question, all i know is that I need someone to help me explain why this [...]

So I was told by people that in order to be able to have a wedding and get married in vietnam that I must go through a psychological evaluation in order to get permission.
(13 September 2016)

Guys would this be hot?
(13 September 2016)

My bf has his truck in the shop and we have a rental.
(13 September 2016)

Not sure what happened to me..?
(13 September 2016)

I don't know who I could talk to without everyone else I know asking questions I don't have the answers to.
(13 September 2016)

I feel so stupid for going out at all.
(13 September 2016)

I asked him what happened and he didn't say anything.
(13 September 2016)

I wanted to scream, but I couldn't get it out.
(13 September 2016)

I had been awake for awhile before he got up.
(13 September 2016)

I woke up and my clothes were off and I was in his bed.
(13 September 2016)

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