Wednesday 21 September 2016

It’s your choice…always has been

Simple, straightforward……….[image]. // Felicita:He’s 19 and doesn’t have any friends or a job.(13 September 2016) Felicita:All he does is sit in his room watching Anny Mays and has never had a girlfriend.(13 September 2016) Renetta:Is it wrong that I refuse to date a guy with a penis below 7 inches?(13 September 2016) Leia:My friend won’t stop texting me and [...]

When I heard the bad news I felt very sad and thought about the past of having her around when I was young.
(21 September 2016)

I feel extremely awkward, I feel like I'm an emotionless person.
(21 September 2016)

How do you ask someone out to prom?
(21 September 2016)

He asked me about prom a few times and teases me that I'll go with one of my classmates.
(21 September 2016)

To be specific, my crush who may or may not like me back, I still don't know.
(21 September 2016)

Can a breathalyser say 0 but a blood test give a positive result?
(21 September 2016)

I simply want to stay confident.
(21 September 2016)

I don't know why im worried, i don't have an alcohol problem and rarely drink but someone told me that this was possible even after more than 24 hours of not drinking.
(21 September 2016)

The breathalyser scored 0 but im worried the blood test will turn positive (even at the minimum posible result.
(21 September 2016)

On Tuesday i drove at about 1 pm and was involved in an accident.
(21 September 2016)

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